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LTAY 2023 Team


Our second LTAY conference

hosted by York University!

Photo of conference attendees listening to one of our speakers

09:00 / Registration

09:30 / Opening Remarks

09:45 / Keynote: Dr. Heather Henderson

A developmentally informed study of risk and resilience: The case of childhood shyness

11:15 / Break

11:25 / Graduate Student Oral Presentations

12:30 / Lunch & Networking

01:30 / Workshop: Dr. Craig Ross and Thomas Ketelaars

Building a Culture of Safety using Trauma-Informed Care

03:00 / Break

03:10 / Graduate Student Oral Presentation

04:00 / Break

04:10 / Poster Session & Networking

Oral Presentation Winners

Award Winners


2023 - Kristina Cordeiro 

Caregiver Maltreatment History and Treatment Response Following Brief Emotion Focused Family Therapy



2023 - Samantha Mason 

Psychometric Evaluation of the Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire in a Clinical Sample

Poster Presentation Winners


2023 - Natisha Nabbijohn

Optimism and pain self-efficacy in youth with inflammatory bowel disease: A longitudinal examination



2023 - Katie Frankiewicz

Stop Now And Plan (SNAP) Treatment Outcomes: Callous-Unemotional Traits and Gender as Moderators

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